
Seattle Traffic Lawyer | Burglary

As a Seattle traffic lawyer, I think it's interesting the things you read about in the newspaper and the questions it raises about people's state of mind and level of reasoning when the decide to do something. I read in the newspaper today, here, about a man charged with burglary in Seattle. The charges stem from his alleged breaking and entering a Seattle church. And it wasn't to steal anything.

In what will probably qualify so far as the surest case for Seattle traffic lawyers to request a psychiatric evaluation, the guy broke into the church through a window. The thing was, when he broke in, he was naked. And he broke in by breaking a window. And he cut himself. And he has Hepatitis C. And he proceeded to smear his blood all over the church. I think for purposes of the burglary statutes, he probably will be charged with second degree burglary, which is unlawfully entering a building and committing a crime (without a deadly weapon and without assaulting anyone). The story also reports that he will likely be charged with malicious mischief, which is intentionally causing damage to the property of another, with the degree depending on the amount of damage done. It appears that before this guy broke into the Seattle church he bashed the windshield of a car in, jumped in, and smeared his blood all over the place too.

The story mentions that drugs were likely a factor in the incident, and that he had been released from jail only one day earlier. I run into people all the time suffering from substance abuse. And although the effects are often not as destructive as this, they are hard cases to handle because it really is a disease that needs to be treated (and one that, sadly, is never truly "cured").

Let's just hope this guy gets the help he deserves, pays back the Seattle church and car owner for the damage he caused, and puts his life together.

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